Podcasting workshop
Given my podcasting experience over the years I’ve thought about how I could share/evangelize my process for producing podcast content.
If I were teaching a podcasting workshop then this is what I would cover:
- Why audio-only?
- Low production costs
- Equipment
- Editing
- Sourcing guests
- Publishing/hosting
- Promotion
- Audience
- You’re reaching an audience that doesn’t require a screen
- You are ugly
- Not actually: no fashion, makeup required
- Low production costs
- Even if you are only publishing audio, record the conversation with video conferencing
- Body language
- Building rapport rapidly
- Signaling interest
- Video-conferencing options:
- Yes: Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams
- No: Zencastr, Jitsi
- How to capture
- Audio Hijack
- Quicktime
- Zencastr
- In-person
- iOS
- Android
- Dedicated audio recorder (Zoom H1n)
- How to edit
- Do you have to edit? Why?
- Software
- Audacity
- iMovie
- The process (from idea to publishing)
- Scheduling
- Pre-interview
- Time for rapport building
- Topic identification
- IP waiver
- Recording duration
- Hosting options
- Sole host
- Federated hosts (e.g. Software Engineering Radio)
- Promotion options
- Social
- Podcast indices
- Apple
- Spotifhy
- Social
I’ve hosted over 100 episodes of The Accidental Engineer, if you’re curious for my credentials on this topic.
If you’d want to participate in such a workshop then let me know! I’m reachable on Threads @mmaut.