If you care about safety, ride an e-bike

E-bikes are safer than regular bikes because:

They’re faster

Since your speed is higher, there are fewer cars that pass you per mile traveled.

Less passing means safer.

They’re less fatiguing

Since there is less fatigue to e-biking you are a more alert operator of your vehicle & you are more willing to exercise patience.

They provide better lighting

As long as your e-bike’s battery is charged then you will have a front and rear light.

Much easier to re-charge one device (the bike) then monitor a front and rear USB dongle, which often have no capacity indicator.

This translates to better daytime and night-time visibility to car drivers.

They provide better dead-stop experience

Since starting from a dead-stop is easier (whether with pedal assistance or a throttle) than a regular bike, you are more likely to respect stop signs.

On a regular bike, stopping at all is a total hassle whereas with an e-bike there are lower physical stakes to coming to a complete stop and respecting motor vehicle traffic laws.

This makes you bike more predictably and reduces your crash hazard.

Unlike cars, the danger that you create for vulnerable road users is very low (though non-zero).

As with all things: be considerate of others.

While e-bikes are limited in the speed that they can reach, they are also nearly silent–so pass walkers and animals with care.

There are a multitude of other e-bike benefits beyond their relative safety–and here I will get more poetic:

Carrying heavy cargo is easier than on a regular bike:

In fact, it is a tool for economic mobility and commerce:

And that cargo includes pets:

It can handle a variety of roadways (but of course, so can regular bikes):

In all weather:

You can go camping on it (although you need to watch your range, as your battery can run out):

You can go to work on it (but of course, so can regular bikes):

Or you can bring them on ferry boats:

Moms can ride them:

Dads can ride them:

Kids can ride them:

And grandparents can ride them:

There are an incredible set of options:

No matter if you have motorized electric assistance or not, ride bikes!

· bicycling, transportation