My commute
Photos I have taken from my bike + train work commute over the years.
I have a very light payload (often just my laptop):
I have tried out a variety of mobility devices.
In fact I’ve tried a lot of different ones, since I find bikes are very inexpensive after I sold my car:
I have also tried a couple of electric scooters, but I prefer bicycles for:
- the exercise,
- the increased safety/stability,
- and their unbounded range
I’ve even tried very compact folding bicycles, like the Kwiggle:
But I have found that a normal bike is the most comfortable & fun to ride.
It starts with riding my bicycle to my Caltrain station of origin.
The type of train I ride has changed–it used to be a diesel train but now it’s an electric train:
The train ride is often very comfortable. I often spend the ride looking at my phone. Sometimes I am lucky and get to socialize with people I know on the train:
Sometimes bikes must be stacked up against each other:
My Caltrain station of arrival is San Jose Diridon. It is the biggest train station in northern California.
Sadly, you will sometimes see poverty–this instance particularly struck me:
Exiting the train station I see a lot of interesting sites:
Including homeless encampments along the Los Gatos Creek:
I see a couple of restaurants that I have never been inside–only pass by:
Sometimes I see some really random stuff:
And over the years I notice the see the passage of time.
Like this multi-story parking storage facility:
It pains me to see such money and time devoted to this infrastructure for more people to drive cars.
Extra noteworthy when there are folks further down the creek who are living in tents.
I note the idling commuters in their motor vehicles–always there, every day:
I am so grateful that I am not among those people, and I pray that they can find another way to live on this Earth.
The seasons can get wet, but never snowy around these parts:
In the summer it gets hot (>100F/37C):
But most of the year it is pleasant weather:
Sometimes I watch YouTube or Netflix on my phone while I ride the trail (where I am isolated from cars):
And sometimes I ride with my coworkers, or encounter coworkers by accident:
I’ll also take selfies to share with friends:
The trail is my favorite segment of the bike ride:
I’ll see high school kids fishing after school:
And beautiful views that are the same:
And the Santa Cruz mountains:
Sometimes I switch it up and the ride the slow VTA light rail for $2, but it does not carry me door-to-door:
May you find such a beautiful ride: