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Days 10-12: Python (Django)

Django logo

We’re going to delve further into the details of what we were really up to in working with Heroku:


As of 2020, Django is the most popular so-called “web framework” for building web applications using Python.

Companies like Instagram, Snapchat, Spotify, YouTube, Pinterest use it.

Using Django provides you with a lot of helpful tools out of the box:

  • An interface for communicating with a database to store your user’s data
  • A “templating” engine to personalize web pages to each of your users
  • Tools for “caching” your site so that your application can handle millions of users trying to use your application simultaneously

Outcomes of this studying

You should:

  • understand what Django is
  • be able to explain why a business might use a technology like Python + Django
  • understand the concept of “Model-View-Controller”
  • be able to explain (in simple terms) what an ORM is
  • be able to explain why a company might use Django to help build their software product

Extra credit reading

  • Using Google search, locate the biggest companies/startups that use Django in their business
  • Look at the jobs/careers pages of companies you would potentially like to work for as a software engineer--find 5-10
    • What skills are they looking for?
    • If not Python/Django, what technology are they seeking experience with?